Image of home office. Text says: Upwork or Fiverr: What's Best for Your Freelancing Business?
Image of home office. Text says: Upwork or Fiverr: What's Best for Your Freelancing Business?
Are you a freelance blogger?

Platforms like Upwork and Fiverr have become household names for both freelancers and clients. These platforms offer many opportunities for freelance bloggers, but the question remains: which is the better choice for you?

As a freelance blogger, I’ve been through my own journey of deciding which path to take. But what works for me, might not work for you. After all, one of the keys to freelancing success is finding a marketing and advertising platform that meets your needs and preferences. And really, that’s what Upwork and Fiverr are—platforms designed to help you generate work through clients you wouldn’t necessarily find on your own.

So, which platform should you choose? Check out my perspective below so you can make the best decision for you.

Upwork: Where Quality Meets Versatility for Freelance Bloggers

Upwork is one of the largest online freelancing platforms globally. It has earned a reputation for its diverse range of job categories and the ability to connect clients with highly skilled freelancers. For freelance bloggers such as myself, Upwork offers several advantages.

  • Quality-Centric: Upwork tends to attract clients who prioritize quality over affordability. You can command higher rates here if you have the skills and experience.
  • Varied Projects: You can find a wide range of blogging projects, from tech and finance to lifestyle and travel. This diversity allows you to specialize in your niche.
  • Client Trust: The platform’s vetting process can instill trust in clients, making it easier to secure long-term work relationships.
  • Payment Protection: Upwork’s escrow system ensures that you’ll get paid for your work, and it offers dispute resolution if any issues arise.

Find Me on Upwork

I like to think that I’m a prime example of a successful freelance blogger on Upwork. My profile showcases my extensive experience and has received positive reviews from satisfied clients. Plus, I’ve taken the time to ensure my profile is complete so clients can understand who I am.

However, Upwork isn’t without its drawbacks

  • Competitive: The high-quality standards mean you’ll face stiff competition from experienced bloggers. But not only will you be competing against experienced bloggers, you’ll also be faced with competition from low-cost bloggers and those that exclusively use AI to generate content.
  • Fees: When I started working on Upwork, they offered a tiered payment system. For new clients, you paid 20% back to Upwork until you generated a certain amount in revenue. Then, it went down to 10%, and ultimately to only 5%. However, in May 2023, Upwork announced the retirement of its sliding scale fee structure, and now charges 10% across the board. This all said, when you consider that Upwork is a marketing and advertising platform to help you grow your business, it’s really not all that far off. After all, most businesses spend about 7-8% of their gross revenue on advertising.

Fiverr: The Land of Gigs

Fiverr is known for its unique approach to freelance work, offering services in the form of “gigs.” Freelancers on Fiverr create listings for specific services they offer, making it an attractive platform for freelance bloggers.

  • Creativity Encouraged: Fiverr allows bloggers to get creative with their gig offerings, making it easier to stand out and attract clients.
  • Flexible Pricing: You can set your prices, making it a great place for beginners or those looking to offer niche services.
  • No Bidding: Unlike Upwork, bidding for projects is unnecessary. Clients come to you, based on your gig offerings.

Find Me on Fiverr

For years, I stuck to just Upwork as I found the Fiverr platform a bit more cumbersome. That said, I must admit that I went into Upwork a bit more familiar, as I had been using it on the client side for a few years.

But, fast forward to today, and I have realized that to be truly successful, you need to market yourself in more than one place. Though I haven’t necessarily kept all my eggs in one basket, I have managed to scale my business to the point that I can now take a bit more.

Check out my profile on Fiverr. I can assure you I’ll be adding more gigs in the future for clients to choose from.

Fiverr does have some potential downsides.

 Affordability Over Quality: Fiverr is often associated with budget-friendly services, which may mean lower pay for bloggers.

  • Fierce Competition: With thousands of gigs, competition can be tough, and it may take time to establish yourself.
  •  Limited Long-Term Relationships: Fiverr’s model tends to attract clients seeking one-time services, so building long-term client relationships can be a challenge.

Which Platform to Choose?

The choice between Upwork and Fiverr ultimately depends on your goals, skills, and the type of clients you wish to attract as a freelance blogger.

Choose Upwork if you:

  • Are an experienced or new freelance blogger looking for high-quality, well-paying projects.
  • Want to establish long-term client relationships.
  • Are willing to invest time in the bidding and vetting process.

Choose Fiverr if you:

  • Prefer a more creative approach to offering your blogging services.
  • Are a freelance blogger who has a unique niche.
  • Don’t mind providing one-time services and are more budget-friendly.

Connecting with Copywriting For You | Ann Schreiber

Whether you prefer Upwork or Fiverr, you can connect with me, Ann Schreiber, on either platform. You can also find me on LinkedIn if you prefer a more direct approach. My experience and expertise as a marketer and freelance blogger make me an excellent choice (in my humble opinion) for your blogging projects. 

For more information on my work, visit my website, Copywriting For You.

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