How Often Should You Post a New Blog?
How Often Should You Post a New Blog?

As a full-time copywriter, freelance blogger, and owner of Copywriting For You, I have the privilege of interacting with dozens of clients (and new clients) every day. And when we have our first conversation (aka the blog scoping call), I am often asked how often should you post a new blog. While I know most people want me to give them a very specific answer, the answer is often—it depends.

So, let’s talk a bit about what to consider, how to get started, and what the best cadence is for your business.

How Often Should Your Business Post a New Blog?

Like I said, most people want me to give them that cut-and-dried answer. And if you want to get right to an answer, many SEO professionals, such as the team at HubSpot, will tell you that the secret sauce is two to four posts a month. But just writing a post and sticking it on your website to meet some pre-determined volume isn’t necessarily the best idea.

To cut to the chase, yes, I have some recommendations for you on the right cadence, but before we get to that, let’s talk about the things you need to have in place first. 

1. Start Simple

If you’re new to the blogging scene, don’t worry about going all out from the get-go. Begin with what your budget can handle. Aiming for at least two blog posts a month is a great starting point. And remember, quality trumps quantity—focus on crafting long-form content that adds real value.

2. Know Your Subject Inside and Out

Before considering keywords or SEO, you need to know what you want to write about. Your blog should share information that your readers can’t find anywhere else. You also want to ensure that you understand your readers’ attention spans so you know how long your content should be. All in all, make sure you’re passionate and knowledgeable about your topics—your readers will thank you for it.

3. Craft a Content Plan

Ditch the scattergun approach to blogging. As I said above, before typing away, think carefully about the information you want to share and why. Are you looking to solve specific problems or answer your audience’s burning questions? That’s where your content should aim to make an impact. 

Note your ideas and use them to develop a content plan. A thoughtful content strategy is non-negotiable and will ensure that your posts don’t become a runaway train. Your content plan should include the following:

  • Target audience analysis
  • Key themes and topics
  • Content calendar
  • Post frequency and schedule
  • SEO keywords
  • Content format and structure
  • Distribution channels
  • Metrics for success
  • Responsibilities and roles
  • Budget for content creation

4. Lay Down Cornerstones

Kick things off with cornerstone content. These beefy, in-depth articles tell the world (or at least your prospective customers) what you’re all about. They’re not just any posts; they’re the ones you want to show up at the top of Google searches. Cornerstone articles provide a solid foundation for internal linking and help weave your blog’s narrative together.

5. Plan for the Long Haul

Whether you start with a couple of posts a month or dive into a more frequent schedule, always think ahead. The goal is to grow and maintain a steady pace. Remember, consistency is your friend. Your followers will get used to seeing your content. 

So, avoid the temptation to burst out the gates with lots of content only to disappear for weeks. Instead, use your content plan to keep a regular flow of posts so your audience knows when to expect new insights.

6. Decide Who’s on Deck

Are you the solo star of your blog, or do you plan to bring in outside talent? Decide early if you want to keep content creation in-house or hire a freelance blog writer or copywriter. If you’re thinking about outsourcing, know your budget. Quality writing comes at a cost, typically charged per word or by the hour. Do your homework to find the right fit for your blog, and be sure to ask for the writer’s rate card before proceeding.

Copywriting For You Suggests Starting With 2 Blogs Per Month

So, I’ll stop beating around the bush. When I talk to clients, I typically suggest that they start with two blogs per month. Here’s why:

  • One blog per month is good, but it isn’t typically enough to keep your audience engaged. They might come across your one article and find it interesting but then get frustrated that they can’t find more great content. So, they move along to one of your competitors, who is more present with their content.
  • Blogging every week is where you want to get to, but, if you haven’t taken the time to think through what you’ll do with that content after it’s posted, it won’t get you that far. The best content strategy includes posting high-quality blogs regularly and then sharing them on your social channels, in your newsletter, etc., to help you gain maximum visibility.

Ready to Get Started?

I’ve always told my clients, you have to start somewhere. So, no matter where you are in your content strategy, getting a high-quality blog out there is better than nothing. And, we can work together to build up your list of content ideas so that you can turn them into a content plan and content calendar.

If you’re ready to create great content but lack the skills or bandwidth to do it yourself, I’m here to help. Contact me to get started today. In the meantime, learn more about Copywriting For You and why I’m a great choice to help you attract more clients to your website.

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