Two women discussing edits and client revisions for a project. Image by Freepik.
Two women discussing edits and client revisions for a project. Image by Freepik.
Do the appropriate due diligence to avoid client revisions down the road.

As a freelance copywriter and the proud owner of Copywriting For You, I’ve seen it all regarding client revisions. While we aim to please our clients and deliver the very best content, we’ve all encountered those clients who seem to have an unquenchable thirst for edits and rewrites. 

It’s a delicate balancing act, and in this article, I’ll share some strategies to help fellow writers navigate the treacherous waters of analysis paralysis while maintaining professionalism and client relationships.

Avoid Client Revisions With Proper Due Diligence 

Before diving into the art of avoiding endless client revisions, let’s discuss something every freelance copywriter must master: proper due diligence. It’s the foundation upon which successful projects are built, ensuring you set the right expectations, define your rates and scope, charge what you’re worth, and remain responsive to your clients. 

Let’s explore how this essential groundwork can save you from the dreaded analysis paralysis.

1. Set Clear Expectations

Before you even start working on a project, agreeing on the scope of revisions with your client is crucial. Specify how many rounds of revisions are included in your fee, and establish a reasonable timeframe for these revisions. 

For example, you might offer one round of revisions within three business days of submitting the work. This approach ensures that the content stays fresh in your mind and prevents clients from returning weeks or months later with endless edit requests.

2. Define Your Rates and Scope

Whether you charge per word or per hour, be transparent about your pricing structure. For instance, let’s say your rate is $0.12 per word, and the client offers you $144 for a 1,200-word article. Then, you deliver a well-written, fully original 1,350-word article, but they ask for more content to be added. 

Let your client know that you will be happy to make the additions, but the additional words will be charged at your per-word rate and only charge for words beyond 1,350. This is the approach I take, and it’s a value-added one that I offer to clients. Charging for changes beyond that keeps us on a fair playing field. 

Ensure that both you and your client understand what’s included in the initial agreement to avoid confusion and extra revisions.

3. Seek Clarity on Expectations

Don’t hesitate to ask questions and seek clarification before starting a project. Make sure you understand the client’s vision and expectations fully. This proactive approach can significantly reduce the likelihood of extensive edits down the road. If a client gets frustrated that you are asking questions, it might be a red flag to part ways. 

4. Charge What You’re Worth

Freelance copywriters have varying rates, but it’s essential not to undervalue your skills and experience. Know your worth and charge accordingly. Studies show that beginners charge around $20 per hour, intermediate writers charge $41 per hour, and experts charge $85 per hour. Charging below your value can lead to more revisions, potentially eroding your time and worth.

5. Establish Boundaries and Responsiveness

While it’s a non-negotiable to be responsive to clients, it’s equally important to set boundaries. Communicate your availability and response times clearly. You don’t need to be on call 24/7, but maintaining regular communication can prevent misunderstandings and excessive revisions. 

Whatever you do, don’t let days pass between communications with your client. If they send you a comment on a weekend and you don’t do weekends, ensure that you respond with an answer promptly on Monday morning. And, never let more than 24 hours pass in between communications, unless you have informed your client you will be away. 

6. Deliver Your Best Work Upfront

Submitting your best work from the start is an effective way to minimize revisions. Utilize tools like ChatGPT, Jasper, Copyscape, Grammarly, etc., to ensure your content is error-free and well-crafted. Clients receiving high-quality work initially are less likely to request extensive edits.

A note on this: Be upfront with your clients about the use of AI tools. If they specifically ask you not to use AI, then don’t use it, or pass on the opportunity if that’s what’s best for you. 

Tackling Endless Tweaks

Some clients have a habit of making minor tweaks repeatedly. It can be challenging, but it’s essential to strike a balance. If the client pays fairly and stays within the agreed scope, be patient and accommodate their requests. However, if their changes could harm the project or SEO rankings, educate them about potential consequences and offer alternative solutions.

Provide Outstanding Content Upfront to Prevent Endless Client Revisions

As freelance bloggers and copywriters, we aim to provide outstanding content while maintaining positive client relationships. By setting clear expectations, defining rates, seeking clarity, charging appropriately, establishing boundaries, delivering high-quality work upfront, and handling endless tweaks professionally, we can avoid analysis paralysis and keep our writing careers on track. 

Remember, it’s not about insulting clients; it’s about creating a productive and respectful working relationship for all parties involved. 

Are you in need of great content? Copywriting For You can help. I specialize in crafting website content, including engaging blogs, informative articles, and persuasive landing page copy. My expertise lies in creating content that not only showcases your organization as a seasoned authority in your field but also fosters trust among your customers. My content ensures repeat business and long-lasting customer relationships by positioning your company as the go-to expert. 

Contact me on Upwork or contact me via email, at

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