Laptop on table, display indicates slow website speed.
Laptop on table, display indicates slow website speed.
Slow Website Speeds are Bad for Your Business Blog. Image by on Freepik.

I’ve learned that website speed isn’t just about numbers and technical jargon—it’s the heartbeat of a successful online presence. Just like a slow service can turn visitors away from a café, a sluggish website can drive readers away from your blog.

Slow-loading pages can frustrate visitors and make them abandon your blog before tasting your content. Think of it as a first impression – if your blog doesn’t load quickly, visitors might walk out the door before experiencing the warmth of your words.

When checking how fast a website is on Google, people often use a tool called PageSpeed Insights. Your wifi speed test won’t work here. This tool looks at three important things called Core Web Vitals. Imagine them like this:

  • LCP (Largest Contentful Paint): It’s like how quickly the main stuff on the webpage shows up. Good if it’s under 2.5 seconds.
  • TBT (Total Blocking Time): Think of this as how long the website takes before you can do anything. It’s better if it’s under 200 milliseconds.
  • CLS (Cumulative Layout Shift): This is about things moving around on the page. It’s best if it’s less than 0.1, so things stay put.

But the good news is that you can do some quick fixes yourself, and if that doesn’t work, you can hire a professional to guide you!

Causes and Drawbacks of a Slow Website Speed

A slow website has simple reasons and not-so-fun results. The most common ones are:

  1. Large Images: Big pictures take longer to load.
  2. Too Many Plugins: Having lots of extras can slow things down.
  3. Overloaded Server: When the server hosting the website is handling too much, it can lag.
  4. Unoptimized Code: Messy and unorganized code can be like a puzzle slowing down the site.
  5. External Embedded Media: Stuff from other websites can be slow to fetch.

The result? Visitors get annoyed and might leave, not giving your website a fair chance. To avoid this, speed things up by fixing these issues and keeping your site quick and smooth.

And yes, I put my own website to the test, and it looks like I have some work to do! Here’s what my mobile site looked like when I ran it through PageSpeed Insights.

Things look a bit better on the desktop side. I’m happy with that page load speed, but it looks like I’ll need a partner to help me make some improvements.

Can You Do Anything to Fix the Page Speed Yourself?

This is a question I have been asking myself. But, my fear is that while I am confident in my skills as a business blogger and freelance copywriter, the technical stuff is way over my head. 

So, my advice to you if you feel you have the chops to manage some of this on your own? First, get a better hosting service to handle more visitors and make your website faster. Then, cut down on extra things from other websites and only keep what’s really needed.

Also, shrink the size of your pictures so they load quicker without losing their good looks. Lastly, build a simple website with less complicated stuff so it doesn’t take too long to show up.

When Should I Refer to a Professional to Speed Up My Website?

You should consider hiring a professional when your website needs a speed boost without losing any cool features. These experts can do smart things like ensuring only the necessary code appears on the right pages and using the best compression for your code and images.

They also help tidy up the database, making things run smoother. If you’re considering moving your website to a new home (host), these experts can do it without causing any trouble, keeping your rankings safe and ensuring there’s no downtime. SuffDigital is the champ of this domain, and they have helped countless websites do way better!

Boosting Website Speed Equals A Smooth User Experience: The Final Verdict

Website speed isn’t just about seconds ticking away; it’s the key to an impeccable user experience. A swift website ensures visitors linger, engage, and explore.

Enter SuffDigital, where website optimization becomes an art. Their expertise lies in the meticulous orchestration of code, the strategic compression of images, and the fine-tuning of databases. With SuffDigital, your website becomes a high-performance masterpiece.

The benefits are profound. Faster load times result in lower bounce rates, higher user satisfaction, and improved search engine rankings. SuffDigital’s optimization prowess ensures that your website exceeds industry standards.

However, if you seek a comprehensive solution where every aspect, from content creation to optimization, is seamlessly handled by a single professional, consider hiring a freelance blogger for hire!

So, get in touch with SuffDigital if you want to optimize your website and boost its page speed. Feel free to get in touch with me for any blogging queries!

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