Yes, freelance bloggers do need business cards.
Traditional business cards aren’t relics; they’re freelancing essentials. Dive into the world of networking with confidence and style, armed with cards that speak volumes about your brand.

Since launching my freelancing gig back in January 2023, I’ve found myself diving headfirst into a whirlwind of networking events. Picture me: a writer, accustomed to the comforting glow of my computer screen, suddenly thrust into the wild world of face-to-face interactions. It’s been a journey, folks. And for those who know me well, let’s just say, if you know, you know.

Now, you might be thinking, “Why on earth would a writer need business cards?” Trust me, I had the same question. I mean, I spend most of my days cozied up in my writing cave, churning out words like a caffeinated typewriter. But let me tell you, after a few rounds of mingling at these events, I’ve come to a startling revelation: business cards absolutely hold power in the world of freelancing.

Sure, you could hop online and stumble upon a slew of articles preaching the gospel of digital cards, declaring traditional business cards as relics of a bygone era. But I’m here to flip the script. Business cards? Oh, they’re not just a relic; they’re a freelancing essential. Those little rectangular are life savers. Let me tell you why.

Paper or Digital: What’s the Best Business Card For You?

Believe it or not, good ol’ physical business cards are still kicking it in the professional world. But hey, we’re not stuck in the Stone Age here—digital versions are also showing up more and more. Just this morning, I was at a networking shindig, doing the classic card swap, when this gentleman shows me his DOT card. And let me tell you, it was like something out of a sci-fi flick.

I’m not kidding, I initially thought he was sliding me a sleek metal card straight out of Tony Stark’s playbook. I was mentally patting myself on the back for attracting such high rollers for a breakfast meeting. But nope, turns out he was about to tap his magical DOT card on my iPhone. And presto! His deets materialize in my contacts faster than you can say “Abracadabra.”

Now, I’ll be honest, I used to think digital cards were about as useful as a chocolate teapot. But after this tech-savvy exchange, I’m seeing the light. Still, there’s something oddly satisfying about the good ol’ paper card shuffle, don’t you think?

Digital Business Cards Are the Way of the Future, But I Say Pair Them With the Traditional Card

Sure, the digital component is convenient—it saves you from the dreaded data entry when you get back to the office. But there’s a charm to the tactile exchange, a certain je ne sais quoi. Plus, there’s the whole LinkedIn conundrum. Digital cards may zap info into your phone, but they don’t automatically hook you up on LinkedIn. So unless you’re quick on the draw with that app, you might miss out on a virtual handshake.

And let’s not forget the practical perks of paper. Ever tried sifting through a digital Rolodex with a deadline breathing down your neck? It’s like trying to find a needle in a haystack. But with a trusty stack of cards, you’ve got your contacts at your fingertips—literally. And I hope that those I have passed along my card to will have mine handy should a potential referral opportunity come their way.

Now, I know what you’re thinking—what about the environment? Look, I get it, we’re all Earth-conscious citizens here. But hey, those paper cards? They’re tiny ambassadors for my business, spreading the word one handout at a time.

Are Business Cards Still Relevant?

So, are traditional business cards still relevant? You bet your bottom dollar they are! Whether it’s sealing a deal or snagging that free cup of joe, these little rectangles of potential still hold their own. And hey, if there’s a chance for a free coffee, I’ll be dropping those cards faster than you can say “latte.”

However, let’s not ignore the elephant in the room—the environment. It’s crucial to strike a balance between networking prowess and eco-consciousness when it comes to ordering those cards. No need to go overboard and order thousands, only to end up contributing to a forest’s demise. Let’s keep it meaningful.

So, here’s the lowdown for your next business card order:

  • Start with 100 to 250 cards. Test the waters and see how far they take you. Use this trial run to gauge their effectiveness in making connections, generating leads, and securing gigs.
  • Keep it simple. Stick to the standard 3.5″x 2″ size unless you’ve got a darn good reason to deviate. Sure, your card won’t be the belle of the ball, but it’ll fit snugly into your contact’s Rolodex (or whatever system they use) without causing a fuss.
  • Less is more when it comes to content. If you’re a wordsmith, let your portfolio do the talking. Your card only needs your name, company, and contact info. And please, for the love of all that’s readable, make sure your website is front and center.
  • Legibility is key! Nobody wants to whip out a magnifying glass just to decipher your contact info. If your font size requires arm’s-length reading, it’s time to scale it back. Keep it clear and easy on the eyes.

So there you have it—business card wisdom served up with a side of eco-awareness. 

Get Those Cards Ordered and Start Networking Tomorrow!

Traditional business cards are far from obsolete when it comes to the freelancing world; they’re still essential tools for those of us navigating the networking jungle. Remember, while my card showcased in this post might not suit everyone’s style, it’s worked remarkably well for me. 

Oh, and that photo at the beginning of this blog? That’s the back of my business card! That’s just me, doing my thing. If you’re on the hunt for a stellar business card designer, fear not—I’ve got referrals galore (yep, I have a business card for that). And if you find yourself in need of content writing, I’d love to help! Contact Copywriting For You today.

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