The 5 Qualities I Look for in a B2C or B2B Content Writer

As my little company has grown in this last year, I have found myself in the position of expanding and adding additional writers to my team. Just one year ago, I never could have imagined that things would be going so And that I would be looking for help. But I’ll take it as a win. Yet, this opportunity has got me thinking about the traits and qualities that make a great content writer. 

Whether you are one of my clients looking to understand better my approach to writing, a prospective client looking to augment your content marketing strategy, or you are an aspiring content writer interested in joining my team, this article outlines the qualities I am looking for.

The Benefits of Content Marketing 

Before I get into those qualities of a great writer and what is important to me, let’s level set on the benefits of B2B content marketing in the first place. First, for those of you new to this space, let me clarify two key definitions.

  • B2B Content Marketing: This is content that is developed for businesses that are marketing to other businesses. As the primary writer for Copywriting For You, I write a variety of content in the B2B space. This might be for a data management company that offers database solutions to other businesses. Or, perhaps it is an event management company offering their services to marketers looking to plan their next event.
  • B2C Content Marketing: This type of content is written by a business to reach an audience of consumers. For example, a pet store company is writing about how to care for pets. Or, a health and wellness article from a dental clinic with tips on caring for your oral health.

The content I write can be either of the above. I have a pretty healthy mix in my current client base, which keeps things interesting because what I write in a week can vary considerably.

With that information sorted, let’s discuss the qualities I look for in a great B2B or B2C content writer.

1. Responsiveness & Timely Communication

Honestly, this is almost more important to me than the next quality I’ll discuss—the ability to write compelling content? Why? Because you wouldn’t be reaching out to me for work if you didn’t enjoy content writing. And ultimately, one of the value propositions that I offer my clients is responsiveness. I offer a turnaround of seven days or less in almost all situations. This means that anyone on my team needs to be able to commit to their assignments quickly, and meet, if not exceed, our client deadlines.

2. The Ability to Write

The best business bloggers and content writers have a knack for writing. They know how to use words to create great stories full of facts and statistics that can help drive interest, awareness, and conversions. 

These writers all understand the basic mechanics of writing. For example, they are masters of the following:

  • Capitalization and the use of title case
  • Spelling
  • Grammar
  • Punctuation
  • Eliminating redundancy
  • Using unique language instead of repeating the same words over and over

The best business writers can write at the right reading level for the audience and understand how to weave concepts that resonate with the topic. I cannot give you the ability to write; you need to bring it to the table.

3. Research Skills

You also need to know how to conduct online research and have a desire to learn. A great content writer needs to be adept at researching topics thoroughly. This includes finding reliable sources, understanding complex subjects, and turning that information into content that will make sense to readers.

Effective research skills make sure the content is accurate and also valuable to the reader. Writers should be curious and willing to dig deep into a topic. This means looking beyond the first page of search results and cross-checking information from multiple sources to confirm accuracy.

4. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Knowledge

While I can teach writers about SEO, having some sort of baseline knowledge is a big plus. I want writers to understand how to create compelling content that meets Google’s EEAT principles. That content should be informative and engaging to readers first and foremost, but it also needs components that will satisfy the bots and help content rise to the top of search engine results pages (SERPs).

Writers need to understand the concepts of keywords, link building, headers and tags, meta descriptions, etc.

5. A Willingness to Take Feedback

Even the best writers get feedback from time to time, which they don’t always agree with. But when we write for others, we may occasionally miss the mark. This means we might need to go back to a piece and make some edits, provided it is within the initial scope of the project. When we’re open to learning, feedback can help us improve our skills and become more valuable as content writers.

Being open to feedback also means paying attention to detail and following instructions closely. Proper formatting, for example, helps the content to align with the client’s brand and meet their specific requirements. Here are a few common types of feedback that I often provide:

  • Attention to Detail: Check for minor errors such as typos, punctuation, and style inconsistencies. It is also important to check for accuracy in facts and figures to the best of your ability, and it starts with knowing the reputable websites to check.
  • Following Instructions: Adhere to the client’s tone, style, and format guidelines. This might include specific word counts, keyword usage, or structural elements like headings and bullet points.
  • Proper Formatting: Make sure the content is easy to read and easy to consume. This includes using appropriate font sizes, spacing, and headings. Consistent use of bold, italics, and bullet points can improve readability.
  • Clarity and Conciseness: Sentences must be clear and to the point. Avoid overly complex language and unnecessary jargon. One of my favorite quotes is from Albert Einstein—if you can’t explain it simply, you don’t understand it well enough—simplify content where possible to make it accessible to a wider audience.
  • Engagement and Flow: Write in a way that keeps the reader interested. Use transitions to maintain a smooth flow from one idea to the next. Check that each paragraph logically follows the previous one.

Do You Have These Content Writer Qualities?

If you possess these qualities, you might be a great asset to any content marketing team. Responsiveness, strong writing skills, thorough research abilities, SEO knowledge, and a willingness to take feedback are a must for delivering high-quality content that meets client needs and drives results.

At Copywriting For You, we pride ourselves on providing exceptional content that helps our clients achieve their marketing goals. I’d love to hear from you if you’re a client looking to augment or kick off your content strategy or a writer looking to get added to my talent pool.

Reach out today to discuss your content needs, or contact me via LinkedIn if you are interested in considering a current or future contract writing position. Let’s create something amazing together!

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