Freelancer and client discussing blogs for their business.
Freelancer and client discussing blogs for their business.
What’s keeping you from a blog for your business?

It seems, now more than ever, our lives are busier and more hectic by the day. Our culture seems to thrive on the competition of who has more brightly colored activity bubbles on their Google calendars. I know from experience that the balancing act between home life, something close to a social life, and work life is hard enough most days. Adding one more thing to your plate seems counterproductive, especially as a business owner.

Business blogs may seem outdated to some, irrelevant to others, or a complete waste of time. “Why should I, a business owner, worry about writing and posting blog content to market my business? Isn’t that what Facebook, TikTok, and Instagram are for?”

There may seem to be plenty of objections to starting a blog. However, it is well worth the effort. I’m here to explain how blogs can grow customer engagement and establish your business as a leader in its field.

A Blog For Your Business Creates Client Engagement

Online marketing has taken a sharp shift into social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, X (formerly Twitter), TikTok, and many other marketing apps. Those apps may help get initial customer traffic to your company website with trendy songs and fancy filters, but what keeps the customer coming back? How does your brand build a relationship with these new customers?

Write a blog.

Social media is all about quick interactions. The average TikTok video posted to larger, popular accounts is 50 seconds long. That’s not a lot of time to engage customers and to explain all that your company can do for them. Once attracted to the website, they need to want to come back for more.

A blog post can help you explain further about the products and services offered. Customers are hungry for in-depth knowledge and feedback from other customers, even current or past employees. The once impersonal company façade can be stripped away to show a more compelling, worthwhile organization with values, stories, and products customers can get behind again and again.

Business Blogs Offer Ease of Use and Are Easy to Search For 

As stated before, the average TikTok video post is less than a minute. That’s not a lot of time to establish a technical and tactical rapport with potential and current clients.

Facebook and X newsfeeds refresh every time the app is opened. A social media post that went up at 10 a.m. is lost when someone opens the app again an hour later. Then, those posts are lost to the backlog of previous posts. And there is no search bar feature for specific posts on social media sites.

Far too often, it’s out of sight or mind when it comes to social media pages.

So, write a company blog. Company websites that include a blog section can set up easily searched archives to allow specific topics. The customer interface is far more inclusive and indicative of return visits.

Let Your Business Become an Authority in the Field

Keeping up with a blog for my own business has allowed me to post relevant articles about the business as a whole, keep up with changing trends, the dos and don’ts I’ve learned along the way, and professional anecdotes to help build myself as an authority in my chosen field.

It’s hard to cram all of that into a 50-second video—though videos are important, too. Insert shameless plug here to check out this video announcing the release of my first book.

By building up my blog with industry-standard pieces, I’m showing potential clients—and other aspiring copywriters and blog writers—that I know what I’m talking about and have done my homework to be a brand that can be trusted with their needs. If I have a new product line or service to offer clients, the best way for in-depth product examples is to devote multiple blogs to your new offerings. Those 50-second TikTok videos may get them in the door, but blog posts are the way to close that sales deal.

Yes, maintaining a blog requires more steps from me in my day, though the payoff makes up for the extra work. I can be as open and honest with my future and current clients as I dare to show the more human side to the person behind the keyboard.

Your Business Blog Shows the Trustworthy Human(s) Behind Your Business

Maintaining a blog for your business shows that we’re human, not a faceless corporate conglomerate. A big trend in all industries now is to show consumers how “normal” and “Average Joe” companies can be, to start building trust with clients. In numerous posts on my own blog here, I have shared with you stories of trials and lessons learned while trying to build my brand.

I’ve also shared personal stories with my blog readers, most recently in a blog where I detailed my journey into writing a book (yep, the one I mentioned above): daring to be open with my triumphs and tribulations outside of my work sphere, how these events have shaped my approach to my business, branding, client interactions, and much more.

Not all blog content needs to be stale technical manuals about your chosen industry. Your website and blog content can be dynamic, informational, as well as a spotlight on individual breakthroughs. Sharing my journey with my readers has helped keep me upfront and open with myself and my clientele.

Do you Still Object to a Blog For Your Business? Overruled!

After reading this blog post about the importance of blog posts, you may still think that blogging is not for you. The thought of being an open book to clients and strangers on the internet does not sound like a fun time or the best business practice for your brand. And it may not. Everyone’s business and personal journeys are specific; what works for my organization may not work for someone else.

I encourage you to take time to explore other business blogs. Note styles and content to see what works for your products and comfort levels. As you dip your toe into the world of blog posts, perhaps you will come to understand how this extra step can help grow and reinvent your business.

And if you need help, remember that I am here for you. Copywriting For You. For everybody.

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