Screenshot of Ann Schreiber. Text overlay says, Why Am I Always Talking About Books?

If you’ve been following me on Instagram lately or watching my most recent YouTube videos, you’ve probably noticed I’ve been talking about one particular topic more than anything else—books and my reading craze. And I’ll be the first to admit that I’ve jumped on the bandwagon that seems to be all over Instagram these days. It’s the concept of the Bookstagrammer.

I know you’re scratching your head—literally or figuratively—wondering what I am talking about. A Bookstagrammer? What’s that? And why should you care? Or rather, why do I care? So I thought I would take some time to help my readers (and clients) understand why the shift. And perhaps more important, I want to share how my renewed love for books and reading makes me a better writer.

What’s a Bookstagrammer?

Let me start by answering the obvious question—what’s a Bookstagrammer? These people are those who absolutely love books. Literally, all things books. They are leveraging the Instagram platform to help share their love of books with the world. And I love it.

For most of my life, I have been an avid reader. I could easily choose to read a book over hanging out with my friends—sorry friends, but if you know, you know. And if I wasn’t busy writing in my notebook, the chances are that you’d catch me with a book under my nose, even in those most inappropriate of times. Yes, I was that kid who brought books with me to restaurants when I was supposed to be enjoying a night out with my family. 

In 2019, I went through a pretty massive life change, and my reading came to a screeching halt. Rather than working for me, books started working against me. They started triggering emotions that I wasn’t ready to deal with. It seemed that reading was slowing down my healing.

Fast forward to early 2024, when I picked up a book at an airport on the way home from a trip with a friend, and I read. I read and read and read. Those triggers magically disappeared. Rather than causing me pain or having me question my life’s decisions, I started finding solace in the words once again. Perhaps it was part of my perseverance or the reinvention of myself. Whatever it was, I fell back in love with reading.

Now I can’t get enough. And those Bookstagrammers out there? Those posts inspire me. They make me laugh. They have me heading to my Goodreads account to add more books to my “want to read” list. I feel like I have found a part of me that has been missing.

What’s Up with the Reading Craze?

An article by Gallup just a couple of years ago suggested that reading has been on the decline. But when you dig into the data, it would suggest that it’s not a situation of fewer people reading; it’s just that they’re reading fewer books than they did before. So, in actuality, the love for reading is still alive and well. 

And these Bookstagrammers? They’re simply working to bring more awareness to the fun that reading can provide, and they’re using their voice on social media platforms where people are paying attention.

Now, all this begs another question—am I still writing content for businesses? You bet I am! In fact, Copywriting For You is looking to achieve a record year. I continue to add more clients to my roster, and I continue to learn and grow daily. But I’m taking more time for me and my chosen path to self-care is burying my nose in a book, as often as I can. And I think more and more people are trying to do the same.

What’s Happened Since I Added Reading Back into My Life?

I have discovered something quite interesting since I added reading to my life. My writing has gotten better! I’m writing faster, and I’m expanding my writing approach. How can that be when I primarily read fiction?  

By taking more time for myself, I start each day with a fresh brain. Occasionally, I get ideas from the books I read that I can incorporate into my writing for my clients. It’s a win-win situation. More me-time doing something I love. Better writing for my clients.

Let me simplify that a bit. If I were to boil it all down, here’s what’s happened since I started taking more time for books and less time scrolling through the apps on my iPhone.

  • Better Sleep: By sinking into a good book before bed instead of scrolling through my phone, I’m finding it easier to unwind and fall asleep. It’s a calmer, more restful way for me to end my day.
  • Prioritizing Me-Time: I’ve learned to set aside time for myself, putting the never-ending workload aside. It’s important for my well-being, and taking breaks helps me show up better for both my clients and myself.
  • Improved Writing: My vocabulary and imagination have expanded again, which is showing up in the quality of my work. Fiction, in particular, is sparking new ideas and helping me write with greater creativity and depth.
  • Continuous Learning: Even in the pages of fiction, I’m picking up new insights and lessons. Every book is a chance to learn something fresh that I can carry into my writing or daily life.
  • Building New Connections: Joining a MN Bookstagram group, attending book festivals, and talking with other authors have broadened my circle of friends. It’s been a fun and rewarding way to connect with others who share my passion for reading.

Yes, I’m Still Writing

So, to clarify things, yes, I’m still writing as much as I was writing before. My client base is expanding, and I recently submitted the manuscript for my second book to my publisher, Fox Pointe Publishing. If you are in need of content for your business website, I’m still your person.

Want to learn more about what I’m reading? Subscribe to my channel on YouTube, follow me on Instagram, and learn about the books I have read recently on Goodreads. And, of course, pay attention to the Copywriting For You blog for more great content about writing, the reading craze, and everything in between.

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