Ann Schreiber talking about aspirational goals for content writers.
What Are Your Aspirational Goals for Your Content Writing Business?

We all have goals in life, right? Maybe your goals are to own your own home, drive a nice car, continue your education, or start a family. But as a small business owner, have you thought long and hard about your goals for your business? And for copywriters and content writers, what are those goals?

I’m not talking about your vision and mission, though those things are super important. And yes, your content writing business goals can be related to that. I’m talking about what you want your business to be and where you want it to go, now and in the future.

In this blog, I’ll share with you my own goals for my business. Because the thing is, without goals, you can get complacent. And for your business to scale and grow, the goals keep you motivated to keep moving forward and become the best small business owner you can be.

Goal-Setting for Your Content Writing Business

I’m not going to talk about setting SMART goals today. You all know what those are and you know how important those milestone-based achievements are to your success. Rather, I want to talk about those more aspirational goals. 

Aspirational goals are what keep you energized and excited about your business. They’re the “big picture” dreams that push you beyond day-to-day tasks and milestones. Sure, it’s great to check things off your to-do list, but having those broader goals reminds you of the bigger vision you have for your content writing business. 

They keep you looking ahead, thinking creatively, and staying motivated even when things get tough. These goals aren’t about checking a box—they’re about what kind of business you want to build and how you want to evolve as an entrepreneur. They help you grow in ways you might not even expect.

Here are the aspirational goals that I have set for my business and for me as a writer.

1. Take More Time for Me

This might be a strange goal for me to share right off the bat, but it’s a big one. Here’s why. I’ve told you in previous articles and in interviews that I absolutely love what I do. I could write all day long each and every day. But that’s not always the best thing for me. 

I have learned that I need to take some time for myself each and every day. I have also learned that I need to spend more time planning fun things I want to do in the future that don’t have anything to do with my business. Travel. Get more sleep. Spend more time with family and friends. Revisit hobbies that have taken a backseat to life and managing a business. 

It’s so easy to get wrapped up in work when you’re passionate about it, but taking time for yourself helps recharge your creativity and energy. Stepping away from the keyboard lets me come back refreshed with new ideas and perspectives. 

Plus, giving myself space to enjoy life outside of work reminds me of why I started this business in the first place—to have the freedom to create my own schedule and enjoy more of the things I love. It’s not about stepping away from my business permanently; it’s about finding balance so I can give my best to my work and myself.

2. Read More

In other articles, I’ve talked ad nauseam about my unintentional but unavoidable five-year reading hiatus and how I’ve recently rediscovered my love for books. So, I won’t belabor those details here. But I will tell you that as a content writer, my writing has become better—and faster—now that I have my nose in a book for a couple of hours a day.

Many articles are out there talking about how great leaders are voracious readers. And while I am not necessarily a leader in my business—it’s just me most of the time—I do want to be a leader in my industry. To that end, I have learned that the more I read, the more my vocabulary grows, and the more I am introduced to different writing styles which can be leveraged when I am writing for my clients.

And honestly, it doesn’t really matter what you are reading. Non-fiction. Fiction, Your favorite graphic novels. Whatever it is, just read. You’ll see it start to pay off. 

3. Write Books

When I launched my business just under two years ago, I really didn’t have a vision that I would start writing books. Here we are now, and I have published my first book, with the second one coming out in the spring of next year. I have found that writing books is helping me to achieve two goals—to share what I have learned so far in the business and to expand my writing skills to more than just short-form and long-form blogs, articles, and landing pages.

Does this mean you should set a goal for writing a book? Not necessarily, but maybe yes. If you have learned something in your business that others can benefit from, why not turn that into a book that can help others learn? I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again—in the writing industry, there is plenty of work for everyone, so don’t think you’re book is going to help your competition win out over you.

4. Bring on More Writers

This last year, I have hired some contract writers to help me keep up with demand. The benefits of this have been truly priceless. First, recognize that I am bringing on contractors, not part-time or full-time employees. These people work on a similar model to me, invoicing me for their work. 

Bringing on contract writers has opened the door to expanding my business in ways I hadn’t expected. The key is finding the right clients that fit well with this model. Before assigning work to contractors, I make sure the client is comfortable with the idea, explaining the process clearly and how it benefits both their project and my business. 

Once I’ve identified suitable projects, I work with the writers to determine fair rates that reflect their skill level and the scope of the work. I review all work submitted by contractors, making any necessary edits to maintain the quality my clients expect. This approach lets me take on more work, grow my business, and help newer writers gain valuable experience. 

It’s a win-win, allowing me to serve more clients without sacrificing the quality and attention to detail that has built my reputation.

5. Start a Vlog

Who knew just a decade ago that vlogging would become such a thing? And it’s true, people love videos. In fact, I recently read a statistic that shared that about 78% of consumers were influenced by a video, getting them to make a purchase. And YouTube provides the perfect platform to let you show your target audience who you are, what you have to say, and why they should do business with you.

Starting a vlog doesn’t have to be a significant investment, either. You can start as simple as getting a ring light and using your mobile device. Or, you can put a bit more into it like I did and get a microphone, boom holder, vlogging camera, and recorder to help capture the sound and tun out outside noise.

For me, my vlogs are short and sweet, typically two minutes or less. They’re designed to create interest in my particular topic and grow awareness about my business or my recently published books. And remember how I talked about writing a book? Well, if you have something to say but aren’t ready to write thousands of words on the topic, then a vlog is a simple and super effective way to grow your expertise.

Growing Your Content Writing Business Doesn’t Have to be Complicated

As you can see, coming up with aspirational goals doesn’t have to be complicated. And while you can reach for the moon, I suggest keeping it simple. Set goals for things that interest you that will help you become a better writer and will help your business grow. 

By setting meaningful goals, you can take your content writing business to new heights—taking time for yourself, expanding your skills, or reaching a broader audience through new platforms like vlogging. The key is to stay focused on what truly excites you and aligns with your vision for the future. Remember, growth doesn’t have to be complicated; it just needs to be intentional. So, as you consider your own aspirations, know that every step you take brings you closer to the business you’ve always dreamed of.

If you’re looking for support in elevating your content writing business or need help crafting high-quality, engaging content for your brand, Copywriting for You is here to help. Let’s turn your ideas into impactful content that connects with your audience. Reach out today to book a call, and let’s start growing your business together!

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